Call For Manuscripts


 As all of you already know, there are many ways in which humans can acquire knowledge and gather information to solve problems. Many questions are answered, and problems are solved based on inherited customs, traditions and experiences. But more complex questions are answered, problems are solved, and the body of knowledge is added through a process of logical reasoning/scientific research. These vital and evidence-based ideas have to be disseminated to the public, scientific community, and other concerned bodies. Hence, peer-reviewed scientific journals are the best and preferable method to disseminate these valuable scientific findings.

One of the few peer-reviewed journals that is both nationally and globally recognized and certified is the Ethiopian Journal of Public Health and Nutrition (EJPHN). It is the Ethiopian Public Health Institute's (EPHI) official journal. Since 2016, it has been published and disseminated both online and through print media (hard copies) to the scientific community and other relevant bodies. The goal of the multidisciplinary journal EJPHN is to provide the community with evidence-based information in the areas of public health, traditional and modern medicine, health systems, technology transfer, knowledge translation, biomedicine, biotechnology, human nutrition, and food science and technology.

The journal office is appreciative of manuscript submissions. Access to the current and past published issues is available to everyone at As a result, the journal office kindly requests that scholars use the above URL to register, login, and submit their manuscripts to this up-and-coming but already prestigious journal.

To the researchers: You are cordially invited to prepare the manuscript(s) in accordance with the EJPHN sample articles and authors' guidelines.


Best regards,

Editorial Office

Ethiopian Journal of Public Health and Nutrition (EJPHN)